
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Jump In

There are things that you just can't jump just have to think about them for awhile.  For important things, that's me.  I'm a thinker.  The problem is you can think about something so much that you miss an opportunity.  Sometimes you just have to jump in....feet first....and take a chance.  If not, the opportunity for that one over thought about....may never arise again. 

When it comes to spiritual things...true things of probably shouldn't think too much. That moment in time when you chose not to will never come again. Then all you can do is wonder if you missed your opportunity....or will there be another?  Only God knows. 

When I think back on all of the God moments in my life I have never been disappointed.   Many times....when I didn't think about it and just jumped....what I wanted to happen didn't, but other incredible things did.  But for those times when I chose to think and not jump in....nothing at all happened.  That particular time of opportunity will never come again. 

We....I....have to learn to just move in the moment.  Run to the opportunity....GOD....and believe that it will all be good!!  I know from experience that even when I think I can't....with Gods' help I can.  He will let everything be okay.

Proverbs 18:10
The name of the Lord is a strong fortress;
   the godly run to Him and are safe.

Philippians 4:13
For I can do everything through Christ, 
   who gives me strength.

As in most things of life....

You can't go back and reclaim missed opportunities.  All you can do is keep moving forward and pray that God places before you new opportunities for the times you let yourself miss.  Then when He does....that He will give you the courage to just....jump in!

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