
Sunday, August 4, 2013

His Deep Love

God has a deep love for us.  We have deep needs....God has deep love.  Is Gods love enough or do we need something more?  His love washes over....cleans up....our many sins.  His love soothes our troubled minds....hearts.....souls.  His love refreshes our tired....weary....sick bodies.  His love does miracle after miracle for us....if we will only breathe it in and fully accept it.  His love....there is nothing else like it.

It is so hard to understand why we....can sometimes turn our backs on the love of our Lord. Day into day....night into night....we brush it off as if it is just meaningless.  As if we don't value His love....His deep love for us.  What else have we ever had that means as much to us as the love of the Lord? other love can run as deep as His love. 

Why do so many of us have such a hard time just reaching out and taking hold of the love that the Lord has for us?  The love that He offers to us freely....without condition.  His unconditional love.  It seems that once you know that His unconditional deep love is available to would just reach out and grab hold and never let go.  But at times we do let go.  We let go because of different reasons.  Sometimes because we think that He has let go of us.  That's not true.  It's a lie from the pit of hell....the devil.  Before you know it you may find yourself in a pit....sinking deeper and deeper.  But you know what?  The Lord is still right there with His hand reaching out to you.  Reaching out....waiting for you to take hold One. More. Time!

Nothing else is as valuable to us as His love.  His love means everything.  Without it we would all be lost.  Because of Jesus love there was the cross where His blood was shed.  Where everything that happened was because of His deep love for us.

These are just a few of the things that I have been thinking of and pondering on today.  There is nothing that is really as important to us as His love for us.  Will we totally accept it....or will we just hold on to it for awhile....just when we think we really have a need for it?

Something to think about.



  1. Excellent piece of warning and encouragement! Part of the problem is our awkwardness in meditation. We fool ourselves that there are more pressing priorities for our time than God and His heroic Son. A good place to start the needful adjustment is Philippians 3 (and perhaps Psalm 37). See Bended Knee and Breathless at

  2. Hi Chelle,
    the beautiful thing is that, although we may let go of God He never lets go of us. He understands we are flesh and understands our weaknesses, and only He has this wonderful way of drawing us back to Him through life's experiences. He allows us to wander away but, just like the prodigal son did, we eventually realize that there is nothing in this world that can compare to Gods love. God bless.

  3. Hi Chelle, I don't think we realize the depth of God's love for us. Its easy to say He gave His only Son for us, but to imagine that, to fathom that? Wow, its amazing. How can we have doubts right?! Great reminder to realize how deep, how wide, how all-sufficient is His love for us.
    God bless my friend

  4. We always need His deep love...even when things are going so good that we think it is safe to let go...never let go, it is because of His love and care that we are overcoming all the evil in this world..Don't let the devil try to convince you that he has something better for you in the world...for the pleasures of this world are superficial...not real love...only Jesus can offer us the real deal...He is sufficient, the source of everything that we need!
    ~Blessings and love~ Lisa
