
Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Prayer Of My Heart Today

Lord Jesus I come before You with heart bowed and head hung reverence.
I praise You Jesus for making yourself real to me once again.
For taking me back one more time.
I don't deserve Your grace and mercy but I am so grateful that You chose to give them to me.
Thank You...Thank You.
I truly do love You Lord even though at times I stray.
Thank You for Your forgiveness...for mercy one more time.
Oh Lord I ask that you be my strength today...the never failing strength of my heart.
Heal the wounds that I carry in my my my body.
Draw me ever closer to You Lord.
You be the One to quench my fill my satisfy my every need.
Draw me in.  Fill me up.  Soothe my soul.
Forgive any sins that I have thought or in deed.
Lord help me to be the person you want me to be...the child of God I long to be.
Search my heart Lord...clear my thoughts of any thing that isn't of You.
Help me Lord to be more like You everyday in this life You have given me.
Help me to be a blessing to others.
I long to be what You want me to be.
I long to be more like You.
More of You and less of me is what I want people to see in me.
Thank You Lord for putting people in my life that are ever close to You.
Ones that help me in this journey called life when I can't seem to make it on my own.
To help me right my feet on Your path once again.
To steady me so I can find my way with and in You once again.
Let me be a help to them.
Help me to be able to show Your love.
To be a help to them in their storms like they are in mine.
Lord I praise You...I thank You...for being my Savior.
For never turning Your back on me even though I seem to turn from You at times.
Thank You...Thank You...Thank You for my life in You.
In Your precious holy name Jesus I pray all of this.