
Saturday, April 19, 2014

It's A Fact and It Could Be Soon

Jesus came to earth....lived a sinless life....died on the cross for all of mankind....for you and for me.  Then Jesus rose from the dead in three days to offer all of us amazing grace....salvation....everlasting life with Him....and all of our family and friends that know Him as their Lord and Savior.  All we have to do is accept His free gift of salvation.

I don't know about you....but for me....going to Heaven....being with Jesus and everyone I all I want to do.  It's where I want to spend eternity.  It's not only where I want to spend eternity but where I want you to spend it as well.  Jesus died for you.  His whole purpose for coming to earth and going to the cross was for you and me.  God the Father gave us His Son for that purpose and nothing else. 

John 3:16

For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son,
so that everyone that believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

1 Corinthians 15:20-22

20 But in fact, Christ has been raised from the dead. He is the first of a great harvest of all who have died.
21 So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another man. 22 Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life.

It's a fact that one day....I believe it will be very soon.....Jesus is going to call all of His children home to be with Him.  He may call you through death or the trumpet may sound and all of us who know Him as our Savior will just vanish from this earth.  But we won't really be will be in heaven rejoicing with all of our family and friends that know Jesus as their Savior.  We will live forever in that new life.  The other option is to deny Jesus as Lord and Savior and go to Hell.  Hell is a real place as well.  Those who go there will also live torment.  You don't want to go there.  There is no better time to change your destination if Hell is where you are headed.  Just talk to Jesus right now and ask Him to forgive you and to help you to live for Him.  Then do for Him.  You will have everlasting life no matter what happens.  

"until we see JESUS....face to face"


  1. Hi Chelle. I am so thankful for Jesus and looking forward to the day when I am in His presence. I pray that this Easter weekend many come to know Him as Lord and Savior. I pray that you have a blessed Easter. Ken

  2. Hi Chelle,
    Have a blessed Resurrection Day my friend! It's the Third Day and He is risen indeed! :)

  3. Hi Chelle, I too am excited! Although, truth be told i want to be raptured not you know... However, I am looking forward to being in a place where there is no sickness, jealousy, hatred, hurt! Just love and the Lord! God bless my friend. i have missed you

  4. Good message and very timely...Yes, He is coming back soon...and even if people don't believe that, they still do not know when they might draw their last breath on this earth! So time is running out one way or another for them to make the choice!
    Blessings and love to you, my friend~ Lisa
