
Sunday, December 22, 2013


Today I pray for you to have joy....JESUS Joy!  JESUS is the one that brought joy to the world.  In fact....

                                                                        JESUS is Joy.

Without the birth of JESUS we wouldn't know real joy.  Why?  Because real joy is on the inside of our hearts and souls.  I call it JESUS Joy!  When we accepted JESUS as our SAVIOR, HIS Joy was placed inside of us.  It's a joy that those who don't know HIM don't have.  It's a joy that only believers have inside their hearts.  JESUS Joy!  We may go through many things in our lives that are hard but we can still have a joy inside of us that only other believers in JESUS have.  A deep abiding joy....

                                                                         JESUS Joy

I am thankful today that JESUS came to earth and was born to be our SAVIOR.  If at times you feel you have nothing to be thankful for remember this verse....

Luke 2:11
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a SAVIOR, 
          which is CHRIST the LORD.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Prayer Request For Lisa

I wanted to put out a prayer request for Lisa (Never Forsaken).  She blogs at My Hearts Home. The link is  Lisa just found out she has breast cancer and will have a double mastectomy on December 26. This is a little of what she wrote to me on 12/15 after her biopsy appointment.

I am almost strangely calm and peaceful...though we know that is the Lord Jesus and His amazing grace and peace.
Throughout the whole thing I kept reciting:
The joy of the Lord is my strength...and In His presence is fullness of joy!
Even the nurse who held my hand kept saying how warm her hand felt...and that she never had warm hands like that.

Today Lisa received some good news. Here is the comment she left on her blog.

A thousand thank you's are not enough to express my heartful of gratitude to my dear friends who are praying, and sharing scripture with me!
Brenda, those scriptures are only confirmation of what the Lord has been telling me since day one of this!

I have to Praise Jesus today....My x-ray and blood work came back...everything is normal including liver function and clear chest...This is big since this cancer usually goes after the liver...and into the chest wall!
I was so worried about that because I saw my chest x-ray and thought I saw spots on it (when I had it done)...and so I called the doctor today and they checked everything for me. This has eased my mind, and I am ready to go forward again!
Jesus still has me safe in His embrace...sometimes He carries me.
Blessings & Love!
I will keep you in the comments section.
I promise I won't make this blog all about cancer...It is all about Jesus and me!

Please remember Lisa's husband Jeff, daughters and rest of the family as they walk through this together. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Morning Prayer

This morning Lord we surrender all to You
Draw us close to You I pray and never....ever....let us go!
You are our all in all
Jesus....Lord Jesus....
Fill us up with You this morning and throughout the day
Keep us coming back to You when we need strength
Help us to call out Your name when things get tough....
Jesus we cry out to You for Your strength....Your peace....Your protection
Send Your healing oil down to cover all of our sicknesses
Remind us to praise You Lord no matter what may come our way today
Help us to keep You in the forefront of our thoughts
Shine Your light through us so that others may see just how good You really are
We love You Lord Jesus and we thank You for all You have done
Especially for saving us and giving us Your promise of life with You
Thank You....Thank You....Thank You....for everything!
I come before You with all of this in Your name Jesus