Today I pray for you to have joy....JESUS Joy! JESUS is the one that brought joy to the world. In fact....
JESUS is Joy.
Without the birth of JESUS we wouldn't know real joy. Why? Because real joy is on the inside of our hearts and souls. I call it JESUS Joy! When we accepted JESUS as our SAVIOR, HIS Joy was placed inside of us. It's a joy that those who don't know HIM don't have. It's a joy that only believers have inside their hearts. JESUS Joy! We may go through many things in our lives that are hard but we can still have a joy inside of us that only other believers in JESUS have. A deep abiding joy....
I am thankful today that JESUS came to earth and was born to be our SAVIOR. If at times you feel you have nothing to be thankful for remember this verse....
Luke 2:11
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a SAVIOR,
which is CHRIST the LORD.